> REFERENCES   > Electrical Industry   > ifm   


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Long-term business success needs continous innovation. The sensors technology manufacturer ifm meets these challenges with a lean-management project in its development and production department – accompanied by a dialogue picture.

A consistent alignment on customers is the core of the new development and production process. Thus, important aspects are the minimisation of stocks, the implementation of the pull-principle and the timely involvment of the employees into the project. For this purpose a dialogue picture was developed to illustrate the whole new process: from the supplier to the customer but also adresses the required change that goes along with the project.





 ifm Dialogbild Lean Production Positionssensorik Innovation mit System

Portrait: Dipl-Ing_Bernd_Hausler ifm electronics

Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Hausler
Division Manager
Engineering & Manufacturing

„Instead of confronting our employees over and over with new slogans, we broke fresh ground with our partner Dialogbild. The employees quickly find their way around the dialogue picture and keep their goals in sight every day. In our case it led to the fact that our employees can′t wait to be part of our change process. The motto of our employees: We are the creators of a sucessful future!“

ifm Bildbereiche

1. Old world / Change process
The company can proudly look back at a very successful history, but the full corporate potential is not yet reached. To be optimally prepared for the future and new challanges on the market, new paths need to be taken.

2. Lean-Vision Development- and Production Process
The three main processes are depicted here:
1. Product Development, 2. Serial Production, 3. Customized Production

3. Location Tettnang and growth
The site in Tettnang is the leading production site and is the starting point of the most qualified processes, which are also the basis for the development of further sites.

4. Apprenticeship and Training /Support-areas
Employees and managers are being supported by the company in their development because support is vital for optimized production processes.

5. Customer World
Here the global and cross-industry fields of the ifm products are being illustrated.


 ifm Dialogbild Szenen


Potential for improvement
In the past some things did not run as smoothly as we would like them to be: inefficient material flow caused idle states for the employees. Thus, a high error rate in the production was the cause for a high number of wastrel. The undefined role of the customer in the development process often entailed misunderstandings.

Concept- and Development Phase
Product development is teamwork. The manager coordinates and directs the input of the individual departments, which deliver all important contributions to the overall process.

Ifm supports the compatibillity of family and career through innovative working hour models. An additional reason to proudly present the workplace to the family.

Employer Branding
Continous innovation, an appealing business culture and commitment for the employees pay off: ifm was and still is an attractive employer for new talents.


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