> ACADEMY   > Toolbox   



Get started:
Each dialogue picture comprises a wealth of information. This training module conveys, how you get access to it and at the same time familiarize your colleagues with the picture and its elements.

Engage in dialogues:
A dialogue picture gives you several possibilities and ways of access alongside the individual scenes. Use the guidelines as an instrument to discuss the content of your dialogue picture based on a common thread. Learn how to motivate the participants for an individual interpretation of the individual scenes and how to encourage the dialog within the group.

Deepen topics:
change processes, intercultural exchange and leadership principles – important topics that are worth to be examined in more detail. We design individual instruments and discuss the content in detail with the group.

Generate ideas:
A dialogue picture workshop works as an initiator and frees creativity. Use our tools that are tailored to the project, to retrain the individual targeted applications.

Establish sustainability:
After the workshop is before the workshop. You use the occurring vigor with specialized tools and raise the awareness of your employees on a long-term level.

Follow-up workshop:
Follow-up workshops are a great tool to deepen the awareness for the respective subjects of the picture.



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