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The HUK Coburg Insurance Group uses the dialogue picture to present their measures for improving internal communication. First and foremost is the uniform and corporate-wide exchange of information, but also the communication between management and staff.


1. Distributing company press material in employee break areas

2. Setting up FAQ sites on the intranet

3. Using employee photos for internal communication

4. Staff chats with board members and senior managers

5. Commentary from board of directors on current topics on the intranet

6. Events series – reports between coworkers on specialist knowledge

7. Standardized communication about personnel changes as well as personal questions – on the intranet

8. Staff meeting on specialist key points

9. Digitalized corporate-wide communication calendar

10. "Toolbox" in the form of a file containing possibilities for Change – Communication

11. Implementation of ground rules for internal communication

12. Optimized use of leadership


Employee photos for internal communication

Media for internal communication, e.g. brochures with pictures of company employees instead of professional models. This way it is easier for each employee to identify themselves with the appropriate contents.

Personnel changes

New management will be introduced to staff over the intranet in real-time and in a consistent manner. In this way the personal interests and preferences of top workers are addressed in order to create a more friendly and social environment

Ground rules for internal communication

The goal is to exchange information internally as quick and comprehensive as possible. The ground rules are shown as hurdles which must be taken into account when passing on information.

Internal Communication Calendar

With the company-wide communication calendar, information exchange will be targeted and synchronized more precisely. For workers, this means a better overview.


Christiane Gerstlauer
Project Leader for Internal Corporate Communication HUK-Coburg Insurance Group

Our project developed an extensive package of measures for improving internal communication. In order to present our concept in detail to all staff, we deliberately wanted to go a different way. That was achieved by the use of the dialogue picture. It substantially increased interest to communicate among those at HUK Coburg and facilitated how they could see the project. We will make use of dialogue pictures in the future when introducing different measures in order to preserve the recognition effect of the project.


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