> RefDB   


Together with a consultant and illustrator of the „Dialogpicture“ as well as the whole team of METROPLAN Production Management arouse a extension of the “Dialogpicture”, in the scope of a one day workshop. The topic was “Vision”. METROPLAN Production Management is a part of METROPLAN, responsible for factory planning, optimization and realization of factory plants and production logistic systems.

The picture is divided, analog to the different planning process, in four parts: Before a project is realized (handover of the METROPLANS to the client), it is passing the step “strategy phase” (symbolized through the building illustrator manually), “conception phase” (millimeter paper) as well as “detail planning” (mapping of CAD-models).

The different scenes of the picture are assigned to the different steps if the process. In the scope of the communication based on the picture, the different scenes are discussed in the phases of the dialog. The footsteps which go along in the different phases, symbolize the involvement of the clients. Before the strategy phase the footsteps are messy but going forward from the strategy phase the footsteps get more and more organized and operate alongside with the different phases.

This shows: The client is involved into every step of the process. The employees of METROPLAN Production Management can draw on experience and therefore a fitting solution for the client can be found.


A client comes to METROPLAN with a problem that he cannot solve by himself. A METROPLANNER takes over the personal client service and works together with the client, based on the different phases, step by step to find the right solution.

„High striker “: The client decides, based on his capacities for one of the options „make“ or „buy“. The METRPLAN – employee stands by the client to advise.

The client gives the elaborated master plans to the personal, which implement it based on these instructions.


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