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We were tasked by Continental to create visualizations in a dialogue picture of guidelines for high-level personnel. At an international meeting of top managers, we provided them with a background. The managers described their ideas during several workshops, which we further developed with the help of two illustrators. Thus a large dialogue picture was created measuring 4 x 2 m over the course of a day.

The background developed first represents a modern test track. We used this as an creative starting point, since the second part of the high-level personnel meeting actually took place at this track. Each guideline point was assigned a particular location in the picture in which the appropriate scenes would be represented. In order to explain the goal of the workshops and to clarify to the participants the dialogue picture method, we developed an informational leaflet with possible results and an empty landscape. After the meeting further revision including colorizing was carried out on the individual scenes. From this the final dialogue picture was developed, which is now used world-wide for training purposes.


Fairness & Trust

It’s not only in difficult times that one is dependent on colleagues and coworkers. For top managers and staff alike: Some tasks can only be solved through trust and co-operation.


Decisions which need the blessing of several higher-ups are not always conducive to reaching the desired goals. The employee is granted the authority – which also serves as an indication of confidence.


A completely new task appears to some members of staff not as an incentive, but often rather as an excessive demand: The steps to success are too large. Instead it is more sensible to move towards the task with many small steps.

Quality management

With the quality of the products no compromises are made. A tire with an incorrect profile is removed.


Lars-Oliver Stöber
Head of Human Resource Development Tire Divisions, Continental AG

„The vigorous discussions to conceptualize the various ideas held in the different workshops were completely new for many high-ranking executives. However, thinking in images led to a more creative form of mental exchange among the participants. Many of the top managers who had originally been very skeptical of the dialogue picture method came to find the process enjoyable and conducive to an effective flow of ideas and concepts. Today we use the picture in order to make our leadership principles understandable for both high-ranking managers and all staff world-wide.“


Continental informational leaflet

In order to introduce everyone to the dialogue picture method within the timeframe of the conference we first developed a leaflet, which was handed out to the international top managers. In it example scenes were shown beside the test track, which served as an impetus for the development of additional scenes: For each guideline point an example scene was shown. In this way, a conceptualization of how the scenes could be arranged by the high-level personnel was accomplished. These could later be developed and then integrated into the dialogue picture. The leaflet was created in accordance with the design requirements of Continental and was drawn up with the key personnel from the firm.


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